I do not believe that science is sufficient at explaining life and reality, and I certainly don’t believe that religion is. However, not unlike the mystic traditions, I do not perceive an explanation to be necessary, but I rather choose to revel in the marvelous in order for that which is mysterious to remain sacred to me. Besides, religion is composed of stories with varying quality combined with ritual that can be had without the unnecessary sacrifice of human experience, and that is why we are here, is it not? To gather and collect experiences. To experience and remember is to live. To reflect is to be human. And science? To approximate explanations, because we are afraid of not knowing. We are afraid of the void. We fear the ever nearing darkness, which is death. We are petrified of not remaining human, but too many of us have been fearful of accepting our fate and so we’ve never truly enjoyed ourselves. We’ve never chosen to express and experience ourselves for what we are. That is, human.